Facelift Surgery Cost in Spain – Find Reviews and Success Rate

What is Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is a cosmetic treatment that removes extra skin, tightens underlying muscles, and redrapes the skin to enhance the appearance of the face. The procedure is typically performed on the mid and lower face and neck.

Facelift surgery is done for people who are looking to restore a youthful appearance to their face, as well as for those who want to correct sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and other signs of aging. It is also performed to improve the appearance of facial features such as the jawline, cheeks, and neck.

There are several techniques used for facelift surgery, including traditional facelift, mini facelift, and endoscopic facelift. The specific technique used depends on the individual’s unique needs and anatomy.

Facelift surgery is typically performed on individuals over the age of 40 who have noticeable signs of aging, although it can be done at any age if the individual is a good candidate. The ideal patients for facelift surgery are those in good health, with good skin elasticity, and who have realistic expectations for the outcome of the procedure.

Why Choose Facelift Surgery in Spain?

Top-Notch Medical Facilities in Spain – Spain is known for its world-class healthcare system, and its renowned clinics offer the latest advancements in facelift surgery, making it a popular choice for medical tourists. The facilities in Spanish clinics are modern, comfortable and welcoming, making the experience of undergoing facelift surgery much more pleasant.

Affordable Pricing for Facelift Surgery – The cost of facelift surgery in Spain is much lower compared to other countries, making it an affordable option for those seeking to improve their appearance without breaking the bank.

Ideal Climate for Post-Surgery Recovery – Spain is a culturally rich country, offering a unique and memorable experience for patients seeking facelift surgery. Patients can take advantage of a well-rounded experience while recuperating from their surgery, from its lively cities to its breathtaking beaches.

Patient-Friendly Environment – Spanish plastic surgeons take a personalized approach to facelift surgery. They work closely with each patient to understand their individual needs and goals and to create a customized treatment plan.

Facelift Surgery Cost in Spain

Facelift cost in Spain

Average Cost (US Dollar)

Average Cost (Euro)

Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift $2,075 1,888 €
Mini Facelift $2,402 2,186 €
Cheek Lift $2,555 2,325 €
Mid-Facelift $2,599 2,365 €
Jaw Line Rejuvenation $2,621 2,385 €
S-Lift $2,675 2,435 €
Cutaneous Lift $2,512 2,286 €
Temporal or Brow Lift $3,058 2,782 €
Liquid Facelift $1,966 1,789 €

Facelift Surgery Cost in Spain

Facelift Surgery cost in Spain

Avergae Cost in (USD)

Average Cost (Euro)

Madrid $2,000 1,800 €
Barcelona $2,020 1,818 €
Valencia $2,100 1,890 €
Seville $2,140 1,926 €
Zaragoza $2,120 1,908 €
Malaga $2,110 1,899 €
Murcia $2,120 1,908 €
Palma $2,150 1,935 €

Types of Facelift Surgeries in Spain

1. Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift in Spain – Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift is a type of facelift surgery that aims to address signs of aging in the mid- and lower-face, as well as the neck. This procedure involves the repositioning and tightening of the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS), a layer of connective tissue and muscle that lies beneath the skin and helps support the facial contours.

The procedure starts with an incision that is typically made in the hairline near the temples, extending in front of the ear and sometimes behind it. This allows the surgeon to access the SMAS layer and lift it to a more youthful position. This procedure can help to improve the appearance of sagging cheeks, jowls, and neck, as well as wrinkles and lines in the lower face. Deep Plane/SMAS Facelift cost in Spain is $2,075.

2. Mini Facelift in Spain – A mini facelift is a cosmetic procedure that involves a smaller incision and less extensive skin removal than a traditional facelift. The purpose of the mini facelift is to rejuvenate the face and restore a more youthful appearance, while avoiding the more dramatic effects and extended recovery time of a full facelift. The surgeon will make incisions around the ears and under the chin, lifting and tightening the skin and underlying tissue in these areas. Mini Facelift cost in Spain is $2,402.

3. Cheek Lift in Spain – Cheek lift is a cosmetic procedure that involves lifting the cheeks to enhance their shape and volume. The procedure is often performed on people who have sagging cheeks due to aging, genetics, weight loss or other factors. The surgeon will make incisions in the hairline or inside the mouth to access the underlying cheek muscles. The cheek muscles are then tightened, and any excess skin is removed. Cheek Lift cost in Spain is $2,555.

4. Mid-Facelift in Spain – A Mid-Facelift is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of the mid-face area, which is located between the lower eyelids and the corners of the mouth. The procedure starts with the creation of incisions in the hairline or inside the mouth, which allows the surgeon to access the underlying tissues of the mid-face. Next, the surgeon lifts and repositions the soft tissues of the mid-face to restore volume, enhance cheekbones, and improve the overall contour of the face. Finally, the skin is tightened and the incisions are closed with sutures or skin glue. Mid-Facelift cost in Spain is $2,599.

5. Jaw Line Rejuvenation in Spain – A cosmetic technique called jaw line rejuvenation is done to make the jawline and neck area seem better. The procedure is performed using various techniques depending on the individual’s specific needs and concerns. Some of the most common methods used for jaw line rejuvenation include Botox injections, dermal fillers, and ultrasound technology. Botox injections are a popular choice for jaw line rejuvenation because they help to relax the muscles in the jawline and neck, which in turn helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Dermal fillers are also used to help enhance the contours of the jawline by adding volume and smoothing out any visible wrinkles and lines. Jaw Line Rejuvenation cost in Spain is $2,621.

6. S-Lift in Spain – S-Lift is a minimally invasive facial rejuvenation procedure that combines the benefits of a facelift with those of other cosmetic treatments, such as dermal fillers. It’s called an S-Lift because of the shape of the incision, which resembles the letter “S”. The procedure is less invasive compared to a traditional facelift and aims to provide a younger, fresher look with minimal scarring. The procedure involves making incisions in front of the ear, extending towards the temples and down to the hairline in the shape of an “S”. The surgeon can reach the underlying face muscles and tissue through this incision, which are then lifted and adjusted to give the patient a more youthful appearance. S-Lift cost in Spain is $2,675.

7. Cutaneous Lift in Spain – Cutaneous Lift is used to tighten the skin and improve its texture. The procedure is performed using a specialized device that emits ultrasound energy. The ultrasound energy heats up the deep layers of skin and stimulates the production of collagen, the protein responsible for skin elasticity and firmness. The heat also causes the skin to tighten and lift, smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines. Cutaneous Lift procedures can be done on several body parts, including the face, neck, arms, and legs. Patients can resume their regular activities right away after the operation, which lasts between 30 and 45 minutes. Cutaneous Lift cost in Spain is $2,512.

8. Temporal or Brow Lift in Spain – A temporal or brow is performed to enhance the appearance of the forehead and upper eyelids by elevating the eyebrows and removing excess skin. The procedure is also referred to as a forehead lift or browplasty. There are two main methods used for temporal or brow lift surgery: the open technique and the endoscopic technique. The open technique involves making a longer incision in the hairline, while the endoscopic technique involves making several small incisions and using an endoscope to view the underlying tissues. Temporal or Brow Lift cost in Spain is $3,058.

 9. Liquid Facelift in Spain – A Liquid Facelift is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves the use of injectable fillers to lift, rejuvenate, and enhance the face. During the procedure, the practitioner will inject a combination of dermal fillers into the face, including the cheeks, temples, under-eye area, and nasolabial folds (the lines between the nose and mouth). These fillers can be made of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural substance found in the skin, or other materials like collagen and calcium hydroxylapatite. By adding volume to the face, injectable fillers work to minimize the visibility of wrinkles, fine lines, and other aging signs. They also help to define and enhance facial features, such as the cheekbones and lips, to give a more refreshed appearance. Liquid Facelift cost in Spain is $1,966.

Facelift Surgery Reviews in Spain

Patients who have undergone facelift surgery in Spain have described their experience as being extremely positive. Many have noted the improved quality of life and self-confidence that comes with a successful facelift procedure. In addition, patients have praised the skill of Spanish surgeons and the exceptional care they received both before and after the procedure. With its top-notch facilities, highly trained surgeons and affordable prices, it’s no wonder that Spain is fast becoming a popular destination for facelift surgery.

Success Rate of Facelift Surgery in Spain

The success rate of facelift surgery in Spain is generally high, with many patients reporting a major improvement in the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. This is due to the expertise and experience of the cosmetic surgeons in Spain, as well as the advanced surgical techniques and technology used in the procedure.

With proper aftercare and follow-up, most patients are able to achieve long-lasting results from their facelift surgery. However, individual results may vary and it is important for patients to have realistic expectations and to discuss all aspects of the procedure with their surgeon before undergoing surgery.

Latest Technology for Facelift Surgery in Spain

Laser Resurfacing: It is a procedure that uses lasers to remove the outer layer of skin to reveal smoother, more youthful skin. The latest medical technology used in laser resurfacing in Spain involves the use of Erbium and CO2 lasers to precisely target specific areas of the face to achieve optimal results.

Endoscopic Facelift: Endoscopic facelift is a minimally invasive surgical technique that uses an endoscope (a thin tube with a camera attached to it) to lift and tighten sagging facial skin. This technique allows for less scarring and a quicker recovery time compared to traditional facelift surgery.

Ultrasonic Facelift: Ultrasonic facelift is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to lift and tighten sagging facial skin. This technology is becoming increasingly popular in Spain due to its ability to achieve noticeable results without the need for incisions or downtime.


  • Spain is the 4th largest market for cosmetic surgery in Europe, with facelift surgery being one of the most popular procedures.
  • According to the Spanish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (SECPRE), there has been a 40% increase in facelift procedures in Spain in the last 5 years.
  • Spain has a reputation for offering high-quality, affordable facelift surgery. The average cost of a facelift in Spain is around €2,500, compared to €5,000 in the UK or €8,000 in the US.

A Patient’s Facelift Experience in Spain

Undergoing a facelift surgery can be an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience, especially when it involves traveling to a foreign country. However, many patients are choosing to have their facelift procedures performed in Spain due to the high quality of medical care and expertise available. In this article, we will describe the typical experience of a patient traveling from the US to Spain for their facelift surgery. From pre-operative consultations to post-operative recovery, we will detail each step of the process and what to expect while undergoing a facelift in Spain.


I have always wanted to have a facelift surgery to look younger and fresh. I was searching for the best place to have the surgery and finally, I came across Spain. The country is known for its advanced medical facilities and affordable prices. I did my research and found the right clinic and surgeon for me.

Pre-operative Consultations

Before I went to Spain, I had several online consultations with my surgeon. I was able to ask all my questions and doubts, and my surgeon was very helpful in answering all of them. I felt confident about the surgery, and I was excited to finally have the facelift surgery done.

Booking a Flight

I booked a flight to Spain, and the flight was smooth and comfortable. I reached Spain, and I was welcomed by the clinic staff. They were very friendly, and I felt at home. I was taken to the hotel where I was staying, and I was given all the information about the surgery.

Facelift Surgery

The day of the surgery arrived, and I was a little nervous but excited at the same time. The surgery was performed under general anaesthesia, and I was awake only for a short time after the surgery. The whole process lasted for about 4 hours, and I was monitored by the medical team throughout the surgery.

Post-Operative Recovery

After the surgery, I was given pain medication and rest for the next few days. I had to wear a bandage for a few days, which was uncomfortable but necessary. I was given a follow-up appointment with the surgeon, who assessed my progress and provided me with further instructions for my recovery.


My facelift surgery experience in Spain was a great success, and I am extremely happy with the results. If you’re considering a facelift, I would highly recommend considering Spain.

Botched Facelift Surgeries in Spain

Spain has become one of the leading destinations for cosmetic surgeries, attracting people from all over the world. But while many people enjoy the results of their facelift surgeries, some have fallen victim to botched procedures.

Revision Facelift Surgeries in Spain

One of the most common correction procedures is a revision facelift surgery. During a revision facelift, the plastic surgeon will correct any asymmetry or scarring, and redo the procedure to give the patient a more natural and youthful appearance. The revision facelift surgery may also involve the use of different techniques to achieve the desired results.

Minimally Invasive Correction Techniques in Spain

For patients who are not interested in undergoing a revision facelift surgery, there are minimally invasive correction techniques available. These techniques include the use of fillers and Botox injections to help smooth out lines and wrinkles, as well as non-surgical skin tightening procedures such as ultrasound or radiofrequency.


Botched facelift surgeries in Spain can be a devastating experience for anyone, but with the help of qualified and experienced plastic surgeons, the damage can be corrected. Whether it’s through revision facelift surgery or minimally invasive correction techniques, there are options available to help restore a patient’s confidence and appearance. If you’re considering a facelift surgery, be sure to choose an experienced plastic surgeon, and remember that beauty is not just skin deep.


1. What are the benefits of having facelift surgery in Spain?

Spain offers world-class healthcare facilities, highly trained and experienced plastic surgeons, and cost-effective prices. The Spanish medical tourism industry is well-established and offers excellent patient care and post-operative support.

2. What kind of anesthesia is used during facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia, which means the patient is unconscious and does not feel any pain during the procedure.

3. How long does the recovery process take after facelift surgery?

Recovery time differs from person to person, but most patients can return to work and normal activities within 7-10 days after facelift surgery.

4. How long do the results of facelift surgery last?

The results of facelift surgery are long-lasting, typically several years. However, the aging process cannot be stopped, and eventually, a touch-up or a repeat facelift surgery may be necessary.

5. How long does facelift surgery take?

Facelift surgery typically takes between 3 to 6 hours, depending on the extent of the procedure.

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