Courses Attended:
Orthognatic surgical and planning and cephalometry of the patients with cleft palate and cleft lip pre-surgery course 1996 Istanbul/Turkey
• International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Instractional Course 1995 Antalya/Türkiye
• 49. ISAPS Lipoplasty and Complications Training Course, 18-20 May 1995, Antalya.
• 2nd International Course on surgical treatment of the TMJ 1996 Vigo/Spain
• International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Post Graduate Course 1997 Paris/France
• 4th Mediterranian Congress and Osteosynthesis course 1997 Antalya/Turkey
• International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery Post Graduate Course 1998 Athens/Greece
• Live Laser Course and Live Surgery Symposium 1998 Athens/Greece
• Giants in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery of the Aging Face Symposium 1999 New York/ABD
Membership Organizations
• Turkish Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery
Collective Activities He Attended
• National and International Plastic Surgery and Maxillofacial Surgery congress symposiums and courses
• Maxillofacial Surgery
• Ortognatic Surgery
• Plastic Surgery
National Reports:
B. Görgün, T. Koldaş, F. Yavaş, S. Tuncer. Temporomandibular eklem luksasyonunda tel ile pilikasyon ve asmanın yeri. 14th Turkish Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Congress, Ankara, 24-27 October 1992, poster no: 160.
T . Koldaş, S. Tuncer, A. Aydın. Laterognati. 15th National Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Istanbul, 27-29 September 1993, Kraniomaksillofasial surgical session no:3.
S. Tuncer, B. Mersa, U. Emekli, S.N. Kesim. Etil alkolün McFarlane flebine etkisi. 16th National Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ankara, 1-4 October 1994, Verbal Report no: 35.
E. Demiray, S. Tuncer, Ö. Sağlam, U. Emekli. Keloid ve hipertrofik nedbelerde steroid ve silikon kılıf uygulamaları. 16th National Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Ankara, 1-4 October 1994, Verbal Report no: 78.
S. Tuncer, U. Emekli, A. Arıncı, S.N. Kesim, T. Koldaş, B. Görgün. Temporomandibular eklem ankilozunun kostokondral greft ile rekonstriksiyonu. 17th National Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Girne, 20-25 September 1995, Kraniofasial oturum, Verbal Report no: 4.
International Reports:
S. Tuncer, I. Ermiş, U. Emekli, A. Arıncı, S.N. Kesim, O. Karabacak. Mandibular recontruction with costochondral grafts. 4. Mediterranean Congress of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Antalya/Turkey 24-31 May 1997, Poster Session 1.
National Publications:
Emekli U., Tuncer S., Kesim S.N., Arıncı A., Koldaş D, Görgün B. Temporomandibuler eklem ankilozunun kostokontral greftle rekonstriksiyonu. Turkish Plastic Surgery Magazine 1996; 4 (2):69-75.
Tuncer S., Mersa B., Arıncı A., Güloğlu R. Mandibula Kırıkları: 112 vakanın analizi. National Trauma Magazine 1996; 2(2): 185-188.
Koldaş T., Tuncer S., Şirin F., Hayırlıoğlu T. Temporomandibular eklem ankilozunun otojen materyal ile cerrahi tedavisi.
Ear Nose Throat Specialization Magazine 1995; 2(3):262-264.
Koldaş T., Aydın A., Tuncer S., Şirin F., Hayılıoğlu T. Temporomandibular eklem cerrahisinde modifiye endaural insizyon ile birlikte subfasial girişim. Ear Nose Throat Specialization Magazine 1994; 2(2):129-130.
Emekli U., Tuncer S., Mersa B., Kesim S.N. Etil alkolün standart dorsal sıçan flebi üzerindeki etkileri. Surgical Medicine Bulletin 1995; 4:87-91.
International Publications:
Celik M, Tuncer S, Buyukcayir I.Splitting advancement genioplasty: a new genioplasty technique. Ann Plast Surg. 1999;43(2):148-53.
Celik M, Tuncer S, Buyukcayir I.Modifications in endoscopic facelifts. Ann Plast Surg. 1999;42(6):638-43.
Celik M, Tuncer S, Emekli U, Kesim SN.Histologic analysis of prefabricated, vascularized bone grafts: an experimental study in rabbits.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2000;58(3):292-5; discussion 296.
Tuncer S, Celik M, Emekli U, Kesim SN.Subcutaneous bipedicle island flaps on the face. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2001; 107(1):148-51.